report released by CNBC last evening has some extraordinarily depressing news for the British Isles. At first place in the world league of indebtedness comes Ireland, and with Switzerland in between in second place, Britain then comes in at number three!
Out of the world's 75 largest economies, the United States has the 20th largest as debt-to-GDP ratio, standing at 94.3%, with a gross external debt of $13.454 trillion and an annual GDP $14.26 trillion. In fact, out of the largest 75 economies, this number is just above the worldwide average of 90.8% Western-European and North American countries dominate the upper end of the spectrum, with Switzerland (422%) and the United Kingdom (408%) at the #2 and #3 spots, respectively, and Ireland representing the most drastic debt-to-GDP ratio. According to the most recent World Bank data, Ireland's number stands at a staggering 1,267%.
Britain's debt has been incurred due to misgovernment by its politicians and civil servants, most notably during the previous Labour Administration but much of it continuing under the present Coalition Government.
This morning, a clear example of such waste, was given on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme at 0722 to 0726 local time,(
listen here update 0950) when
Lord John Prescott attempted to justify the waste of almost half a billion pounds on Fire Control Centres, on the grounds that it was part of the former Government's Regional Policies. Lord Prescott, did not mention the fact that the Regional Policy is carried out under the instructions of the EU from Brussels.
The EU is waging economic warfare against Britain!
Assisting in the deliberate bankruptcy of our country are large numbers of supposed public servants and legislators, receiving or due to receive huge, tax minimised pensions from the EU. I named two such on this blog yesterday. Many others lurk within Britain's upper legislative chamber, the House of Lords, where just before the last Parliamentary recess, most of whom with their pensions and vested interests undeclared, in large numbers they completely neutered the European Union Act, supposedly intended to protect Britain from future assaults against the economic welfare of the people of our nation by the EU.
This blog is not merely anti-EU, which many other fine blogs trying to protect the independence of our country now boldly declare.
Ironies Too believes the EU has been waging economic warfare against Britain for many years, and in that cause it has subverted many of our legislators and public servants, such that we today stand on the verge of utter economic annihilation. Direct rule from the EU must then clearly follow!
We cannot fight such an enemy without first making the intellectual leap towards recognising that we are now fighting a dedicated, devious and pernicious enemy, for our economic lives.
We are beyond the stage of Referendums supplying any answer. A first, possibly really effective weapon, does still lie within our national hands and capabilities, however, that would be to ban from public office or legislative assembly, any individual, now being, or at some future date due to be, in receipt of funds from the EU, with the option of retaining their posts if they publicly renounce such payments.
An independent country cannot be efficiently governed nor managed if its senior legislators and administrators are paid by those whose interests are other than the best interests of the people of the nation. Such is the case in the British Isles today!
Alternatively the EU could voluntarily withdraw such payments, turn its face against its progress by deceit and lies and abandon its present institutions, while seeking a democratic way ahead, thus also solving its own economic crisis at a stroke!Labels: British debt, EU War
After the 21st July meeting of this year the EFSF was agreed to be amended with I believe a 20% voluntary private bank haircut and a provision for the ECB to go further than in the past. This change is slowly going through the 17 European national parliaments and passed tha halfway point yesterday with Finland, albeit laughably still have a parliamentary veto regarding collateral in force (envisioned in the 21st July agreement) most likely to scupper the whole arrangement by precluding the IMF from joining in future advances.
More importantly, on German democracy, as I have quite frequently discussed on my blog, is the ever more obvious fact that the entire EU, given Germany’s economic power, is now dependent on this last remnant of any democracy within the EU. Whoever is put in power in Germany decides the fates of some 500 million Europeans, the Treaties having already been trashed. Today it is likely the amendments to the EFSF will be carried, thanks to the votes of the opposition SPD and the Greens. Watch the leader of the SPD, given present polls he is the putative leader of the EU should Economic Governance of the Euro Zone be allowed to come into force. Nick Clegg, your Coalition partner party leader, is reported by the BBC to be about to urge that course today, following the example set by your own George Osborne.