Friday, February 08, 2013

Was Farage's Eastleigh FUNK behind Andreasen's Sexist Assault

My rare posting on the UKIP Uncovered blog this morning is quoted herewith in full:

Friday, February 08, 2013 
Marta Adreasen MEP attacks Nigel Farage MEP

The BBC report of 6th February, is linked here and appears to revolve around differences between men and women, nowadays described as sexism! A clue to the attack being based upon policy differences regarding the perfectly obvious point that should Farage walk the walk as well as he talks the talk - HE WOULD OBVIOUSLY BE STANDING IN THE EASTLEIGH By-election for UKIP! 
See this earlier tweet dated 5th February, when news of Farage's FUNK first appeared, as retweeted by myself @IroniesToo:

Nigel won't run in eastleigh. An opportunity for our first mp missed. by-election


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question has to be IS Farage man or mouse?

Perhaps he does not want a Ukip MP. Quite frankly it does not surprise me, I have thought for a long time he had no backbone.

11:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farage is a Busy Man and is needed to lead the Party into the next Council Elections and EU Elections, He is also needed to lead the Brussels Revolt!

Andreasen's comments were made because She has Eyes on Farages Job, Farage isn't a 'Stalinist' or a 'Woman Hater' it's just Sour Grapes and the Woman should be Kicked Out!

Well done Farage! Well done UKIP!

6:18 PM  

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