Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blackmail is a crime

I have been wondering what could have possibly motivated Number 10 Downing Street last weekend to first retract the accusation that UKIP members were "....racist, mostly" and then some two hours later, and just before the TV station was to go on air with that retraction as its headline news, suddenly withdraw this apology and presumably hope that it might be handled as if it had never been given.

Looking back over all my long researches regarding the UKIP party I suspect that there is some material available to politicians or Governments which possibly somebody, somewhere is hoping to use to political or EU advantage. Such thoughts of course are not new, nor indeed surprising. As the posts on UKIP Uncovered reveal most political parties have pieces of the past that appear far worse today than they may have been considered at the time!

Ukip may need to clear the air on some such matters, but has much more important work in hand this side of the weekend, if our country is to begin to be retrieved. I will therefore only return to such matters on that other blog when more time is available.

Meantime the various dirty tricks brigades should perhaps best bear in mind the headline to this posting!


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