Sunday, October 02, 2011

Merkel's coalition falling apart as Troika tightens screws in Athens

Channel News Asia at least follows events across the Channel and North Sea, read here.

The German state broadcaster DW., reports that the parties forming the ruling coalition in Germany are publicly falling out this Sunday morning on the EU, read here. A quote:

"Anyone who concludes from the debt crisis that centralized Europe needs to be strengthened is headed in the wrong direction," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich of the CSU was quoted by the news magazine Der Spiegel as saying.

What Friedrich described as the growing skepticism of the EU in Europe "cannot be met with the further disempowerment of the national parliaments and governments that the people have elected."

Georg Nüsslein, the spokesman for the CSU's parliamentary group, was even more pointed.

"I can no longer recognize what the finance minister is doing," Nüsslein was quoted by Spiegel as saying. "If Schäuble is trying to realize his European dreams amidst this crisis, then he's not doing his job properly."

Looking at the Conservative Party of Britain, watching the interviews with its appalling so-called leading lights, one would assume they were living on a different planet, or perhaps on an offshore island of the Antarctic, such as South Gerogia, for all the relevance the crumbling EU seems to have for these absolute disgraces to their responsibilities.

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