A continuing chronicle of how democracy is being destroyed across the entire European Union.
This blog is henceforth exploring various means whereby democracy may now be restored within or to the EU's formerly independent nation states now that economic chaos looms following the euro currency's apparently deliberate self-destruction, as long predicted on this blog? (Changed 23/11/10)
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
"The Tragedy of Europe" described by Churchill, continued by the EU
In what has been described by President Klaus of the Czech Rebublic as "a tragic mistake", the Quislings of the Nobel Prize Committee have brought their own organisation and the entire peoples of Europe to a new nadir, by awarding their 2012 Peace Prize to the grotesque organisation, the present EU, which democrats and decent people across the globe must now hope is in its death throes. Winston Churchill's landmark speech delivered at Zurich University on 19th September 1946 may be read in its entirety on the pages of The Churchill Society in London, linked here. It tellingly and chillingly began as follows:
I WISH TO SPEAK TO YOU TODAYabout the tragedy of Europe.
In developing his theme on the tragedies for which Europe had been responsible he shortly after continued with this description:
If Europe were once united in the sharing of its common inheritance, there would be no limit to the happiness, to the prosperity and glory which its three or four hundred million people would enjoy. Yet it is from Europe that have sprung that series of frightful nationalistic quarrels, originated by the Teutonic nations, which we have seen even in this twentieth century and in our own lifetime, wreck the peace and mar the prospects of all mankind.
That same horror is now being delivered by the EU, an organisation that wishes to use the power of Churchill's oratory for its own dark purposes in co-opting the illusion of unity to advance its own corrupt and self-serving ends.
Watch the propaganda video prepared by the shady placemen holding power across much of the de-democratised Europe of the EU, where public accounts go for decades unapproved and national parliaments are powerless to amend or decline to obey the multitude of mindless regulations and edicts that pour forth from the insular institutions of the overpaid and over-pensioned apparatchiks within. Men such as those on parade this week, with neither vision nor principle, as may be seen when you view what they have wrought upon Greece, Ireland and Portugal - soon to be followed with more suffering for Spain; clueless non-entities of the likes of Van Rompuy, Barosso, Juncker, Rehn, Barnier and the army of shadowy political failures who passed through the EU Commission before!
The most frightening aspect is he gutting of the defence forces, particularly after the break up, we will be under threat again.
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