Sunday, May 06, 2012

Europe's elections today could well mark a major watershed.

It is my guess that today may well come to be seen as a watershed for democracy on the western part of our continent.

In France voters go to the second round of their presidential elections making a choice between two leaders very much in the post-WWII caste of the pro-EU ruling elite, ie shaped in the enarque mould. The typical voter seems to me to still believe much of what the establishment wishes to be believed, that the state is strong, the banks sound and that the EU venture has delivered something which will be to the longer term benefit of France.

In Greece a plethora of new parties seem likely to upset the stability of such comfortable beliefs as described for the French in the paragraph above. The two main parties which have dominated post-war politics have been brutally exposed as clearly corrupt and in power purely for what they can take out. In the process they have bankrupted the nation and had a puppet Prime Minister imposed. It may be that the Greek people will believe the ongoing lies delivered from Brussels and renew that same type of governance that is still in effect elsewhere in Europe, more likely they will not.

An interesting day lies ahead that is for sure. If the Establishments and EU grandées depart for their beds this evening less certain of the security to be delivered by their now institutionalised conspiratorial corruption, so much the better! If the Greeks reject meaningful change and a return to the drachma, then is there any hope for individual freedoms, liberties and democracies anywhere within the existing EU? I very much doubt it!


Blogger Robert said...

If Sarkozy loses today he could be facing at least 4 corruption charges as his immunity from prosection lapses.

11:27 AM  

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