Monday, March 19, 2012

My comment to the EurActiv report on the Fisheries Council meeting today.

My comment to the EurActiv report on the shameful fisheries meeting held today is pasted herewith:

"The disgraceful manner in which the EU behaves towards the third world is particularly evident in the fisheries agreements by which it forces small, economically vulnerable, independent island sovereign states to hand over the treasures of their surrounding seas to be plundered by the voacious appetites of the giant factory fishing trawlers, deployed across the world as a consequence of the EU’s own once rich seas of Britain, Holland and Denmark having been greedily denuded of fish."

The above is from a posting titled "Europe’s appalling African colonial administrative attitudes now at play within the EU." posted on 'Orphans of Liberty' and 'Ironies Too' on Saturday 17th March 2012, please visit either blog for the full seriuosness and shame of what is now in progress to be fully appreciated.
By :
Martin Cole
- Posted on :

The link to the posting on Ironies Too is here, while that on Orphans of Liberty is here.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A Lesson for Great Britain: The Success of Norway’s Fishing Industry Outside of the EU"

7:22 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

Many thanks for that link, I will try to use vthe report for a follow ,up post on the fisheries tragedy!

8:38 AM  

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