Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why the EU will collapse and Britain leave - Niall Ferguson

The article is linked here, it makes for interesting reading this weekend, following the events of yesterday. It is being published in the US in the Washington Post, which will be hitting readers' breafkast tables very soon. A brief quote from the article is here:

Many people assume that the tipping point will come when one country — most likely Greece — leaves or is ejected from Europe’s monetary union. But the scenario that worries Eurocrats is different. They fear that a country could leave the European Union itself.

This is by no means an irrational anxiety. Under E.U. law, it would be much easier for Britain to leave the European Union than for Greece to leave the euro zone.

Thus the process of European integration has reached a richly ironic point: The breakdown of the European Union is now more likely than the collapse of the single currency that was supposed to bind it together.

The problem for this blogger, is that the article assumes we have some politicians in the UK concerned for the welfare of the nation's economy and its people, that now appears not to be the case!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

''The problem for this blogger, is that the article assumes we have some politicians in the UK concerned for the welfare of the nation's economy and its people, that now appears not to be the case!''

Yes, the enemy within.

7:20 PM  

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