Thursday, January 08, 2009

Dangerous EU Accession Treaties

The EU often uses the accession treaties for new entrants to tidy up outstanding matters. I was once told, correctly or not I cannot tell as it is practically impossible to extract detail from the mass of trivia these treaties contain, that the tax advantageous pensions and perks EU officials enjoy across the EU are the result of clauses cleverly concealed within one of the earlier such treaties. It was my self-imposed task today to try and find the exact numbers of MEP each country will have next June as the Lisbon Treaty will then remain unratified. I assume the last say is somewhere within the Bulgarian or Romanian accession treaties but I have so far been unable to find the detail. Bad news yesterday that Iceland might be tempted to join the evil empire thus allowing more tweaking in yet another accession treaty .... better news that Croatia might see its Treaty being subjected to a Slovenian referendum according to EU Observer, here.



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