Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Why has the EU got Treaties and Rules?

Why, oh why, oh why has the EU got rules at all? Those of us condemned to have had EU Citizenship thrust upon us are well aware that the so-called rule of law is a dead letter in the EU, with Treaties frequently being implemented before they are ratified. Now we have the following farce as reported in this link, headlined "EU Sarkozy steals Prague's thunder": The two parallel missions may seem like an exercise in redundancy or at the very least an embarrassing scheduling conflict. Czech Republic, which holds the rotating EU presidency for the first six months of 2009, is expected to take a lead on EU foreign policy engagements and overall policy agenda-setting. Sarkozy’s trip, therefore, flies in the face of EU protocol and is a very visible vote of non-confidence for Prague’s ability to command respect globally as the EU president..... Middle Eastern decision-makers will meet with Sarkozy almost exactly a day after meeting with the official Czech-led EU mission. It will most certainly confuse the messages being sent by Europe and undermine the Czech authority as the main European mediator. Only five days into its EU presidency, Prague is already facing the first challenge to its leadership of the EU — and ironically, it comes from within its own bloc. The EU cannot even agree by the rules of the rotating presidencies, after all on news broadcasts last evening (Britain's Channel 4) the Spanish (so-called) High Representative J. Solana seemed to be with the Sarkozy group together with an EU Commissioner and the Swedish Foreign Minister, presumably brought along on the supposed excuse of the three presidential continuity arrangements - but sign of Czechs were there none!



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