Monday, January 05, 2009

HBOS Pensioners fear for the future

The insane merger of Lloyds with HBOS forced through by the increasingly demented British Prime Minister has hit another snag as HBOS Final Salary Pension Scheme Trustees go to Court a week from today to obtain some guarantees for their future, report here. Thus on the proper first working day of the New Year one of the PM's many demented projects, dubbed by his media apologists as a "Super Bank" we see the shares in the companies involved plunging even below their levels of last year, a quote: Old Mutual tumbled almost 7% to 56.10, while HBOS, down 6.6% to 67.7, and Lloyds TSB, down 5.15% to 123.30, were both in the doldrums ahead of their merger. How long before those in the UK wake up to the fact that their future well-being is hourly being destroyed before their very eyes as they sit, say and do nothing? If interest rates are cut again this week it will almost certainly be too late for Sterling as I posted earlier today, but things develop every minute! As we asked on the day this merger was first mooted and regularly ever since , how can HBOS be prevented from destroying Lloyds. HBOS pensioners are right to worry but what do Lloyds employees and pensioners now do, surely they should be demanding the merger be halted, or is it now already too late for Lloyds as well?



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