Thursday, February 09, 2012

Danger to democracy in saving the euro.

The following hugely important quote comes from the President of the German Constitutional Court and is taken from the daily news briefing email from Open Europe:

German Constitutional Court President: Loss of democracy on the road to saving the euro “would be tragic and fatal”
FAZ has published a speech given on Monday by Andreas Vosskuhle, the President of the German Constitutional Court, on democracy in Europe. Vosskuhle stressed that “the right [of the German Bundestag] to control the budget is a central element of democracy…Elected representatives must also, in a system of intergovernmental governance, retain the ability to keep control of fundamental budgetary decisions. European State Commissioners and European economic governments with far-reaching competences to supervise national budgets are therefore from the viewpoint of democracy not without danger as long as there isn’t a democratically legitimate European federal state…It would be tragic and fatal if we were to lose democracy on the road to saving the euro and to more integration.”



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