Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Is Germany really about to dump France - John Ward develops his case

Yesterday I linked to a post from The Slog which suggested that by returning to the Deutsche Mark Germany was about to dump decades of its main policy in leaving the French to cope for themselves. John Ward, author of that blog, develops his case this morning, which may be read from here.

Titled "US Europe-geopolitics-america-bets-the-farm-on-Germany" it is well worth reading in full, not least for this paragraph with which this blogger wholeheatedly agrees:

Until recently, the US was backing an EU led by Germany and France. The withdrawal of tens of billions in US dollars the week before last clearly shows that the Americans had underestimated the dire state of the French finances in general and banking in particular. This has dropped ‘their gal’ Christine Lagarde down a snake, because she was not only in charge of those finances – she helped cover up the banking weaknesses by fiddling the 2010 stress tests. In the end, we usually reap what we sow, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer lady.

I am left to wonder if the consequences of the US apparently leaving most of Europe's southern regions (plus France and Britain) to fall into the hands of far left politics can really be seen as in their best interests. Although, in disastrous economic situations, extreme parties of many different hues could emerge from the chaos.

One thing is absolutely certain and that is the advice to the total incompetents of Britain's Conservative Party now partying in Manchester - Cameron and Hague, as follows:

Talking of Blighty, let me flag one final thing up: the Camerlots can now, I would suggest, no longer simply keep referring to the EU mess as ‘an imponderable’. For 60 years now, British foreign policy has involved trying to get into bed with some form of EU, and then being unsure about whether the marriage was a good idea in the first place. The total divergence of French and German interests guarantees that period is now over. William Hague needs, once and for all, to start earning his vast salary….rather than just having the foreign office repainted, and its main hallway restored. Britain needs to choose – du nord ou du sud. And as I’ve posted endlessly, it needs to rethink its export trade policy globally.



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