Monday, January 17, 2011

A Government that has lost its wits!

It is apparently a somewhat old-fashioned expression these days but the statement that a person had lost their wits evoked in the past more sympathy and understanding in the listener than the bald statement that a person has lost their marbles which seems today's replacement description.

Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister has gone on record this morning in the press with a lunatic proposal that fathers should in future be entitled to 10 months paterntity leave, a certain recipe for much extra insanity amongst normally productive fathers earning their income by their own efforts - unlike Cameron and Clegg!

The BBC interview on the Today programme with the actual Prime Minister, who entered Government as an obvious half-wit and has now gone all the way, may be heard here for complete confirmation of his unfitness to govern.



Blogger Robert said...

This is what happens when you let people play with other peoples money. They have no idea how money is made. They have no experience of real life. They are all the same.

10:44 AM  

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