Thursday, October 28, 2010

Open Europe, Bertelsmann and Millennium Blitzkrieg

Open Europe has become an excellent monitor of the encroachments of the EU against democracy but should be wary of those who may wish to distract it from what should be its objective which I believe should be the restoration of democracy to the former nations of Europe by a return of indivisible sovereignty to their Parliaments. My novel Millennium Blitzkrieg, written in the mid-nineteen-nineties supposed a fictional German Chancellor plotting the subjugation of Europe from the beginning of the new millennium to triumph and be announced on the centenary of the assasination that sparked the First World War in the summer of 2014. This plot is thwarted by a youthful but vain British Conservative Prime Minister mostly contrived and aided by a craftier and much more subtle political side-kick. The novel was accepted for publication by Macmillan's the one time British family publishing firm connected with former Conservative Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan. Bertelsmann aquired the firm and unsurprisingly the offer to publish Millennium Blitzkrieg was withdrawn! Such is life. Copies of the book are still available from Amazon, link or somewhat cheaper by e-mail to the author in new condition dedicated as you may wish although supplies are limited. The joint event by Open Europe and Bertelsmann held this week is covered on this link.

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