Friday, August 13, 2010

EU's Washington Ambassador to speak for Britain

The article from the Daily Telegraph is linked here and concludes with a quote from a UKIP MEP ending as follows: "....This is only the start, as the existence of Britain's permanent seat on the UN Security Council is already in the EU sights". Earlier this week in an Open Letter to Dr Liam Fox and William Hague, posted on this blog and linked here, I suggested as a matter of urgency thet Britain must consolidate its armed forces with Australia and Canada with part of the deal involving both Trident and our UN Security Council seat. The fact that a Portuguese citizen now seeks to intercede in relations between ourselves and the United States and is indeed empowered and paid by us so to do under the treasonous Lisbon Treaty, must surely bring home the urgent necessity of immediate action, particularly in light of renewed market volatility acroos the Atlantic and our looming bankruptcy! Our biggest international asset is our language, from which the soon to be EU taxed City of London takes much benefit (see posting immediately beneath this). To best recover from our present plight we must join with those with whom we most closely share a heritage!

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