Wednesday, September 30, 2009

'The Sun' switches sides

So - After what is probably some fifteen years and a country effectively completely wrecked, possibly partly as a result of this newspaper's almost blind and unthinking support for the New Labour charlatans, this trashy tabloid, the largest selling daily newspaper in the UK, The Sun, is to switch its support from Labour to the Tories. The economy of the country lies in ruins, the streets of its cities awash with uncounted outsiders, its manufacturing industry trashed, widespread drug use, unsafe neighbourhoods, the once respected City of London filled with spivs almost exclusively engaged in casino style market speculation rather than the oiling of the wheels free enterprise, a Cabinet filled with Ministers with minds so depraved and corrupt they have turned the whole nation to suspecting their neighbours of paedophilia, while the State, as created by these creatures, uses peer group pressure to turn fourteen year old girls into sex objects such that they require immunisation against a sexually transmitted cancer and apparently causes the death of one such innocent in the process. One could of course go on and on with such a list, as the paper indeed attempts, but I will rest with one final item, the extra billions the nation must annually pay in the attempt to buy Tony Blair, the main culprit for this national disaster, the Presidency of the EU. AND YET does The Sun put forward an apology for these incalculable costs of their terrible and long-running misjudgement? Not that I can find - read it here.



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