Monday, February 09, 2009

Helpless and hopeless EU Leaders to unexpectedly congregate in February

The announcement following the ongoing car dispute between France and the Czech Republic (commented upon twice on this blog earlier today) may be read here. An IHT article on the problem is here. Reuters quotes:

Urging EU leaders to gather for special talks later this month, Topolanek said Sarkozy's attitude risked casting the 27-nation bloc into a vicious circle of "beggar-thy-neighbour" actions to protect national economies. "The last impulse was the really selective and protectionist steps and statements of, among others, President Sarkozy, that led me to the intention to call this extraordinary council," Topolanek told a news conference in Prague.

"It is these kinds of statements, made by some European statesmen, that will lead to a higher level of protectionism among individual states," he warned.



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