Friday, December 05, 2008

Trying to be positive

Recent events, of which this blog has long warned, are of such a depressing nature that I feel my blogging, if not put aside, should at least make an attempt to stress the positive or put forward solutions. In watching the Home Affairs debate on the "Gracious Speech" in Parliament yesterday it is hard to find such items among the generally bland and dull contributions, David Davis was particularly awful and finally fully confirmed that his was a spark now fully extinguished. With the present front benches (although Chris Huhne did well) we must look towards a new generation for future leadership. I suggest those concerned with the future of the country read the Hansard speeches of: Mr. Mark Field (Cities of London and Westminster) (Con),(here from 2.8 pm); Mr. Charles Walker (Broxbourne) (Con) (here from 2.39).


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