Protecting the people of Europe
Labels: Protection
A continuing chronicle of how democracy is being destroyed across the entire European Union.
This blog is henceforth exploring various means whereby democracy may now be restored within or to the EU's formerly independent nation states now that economic chaos looms following the euro currency's apparently deliberate self-destruction, as long predicted on this blog? (Changed 23/11/10)
Labels: Protection
Labels: Carla Del Ponte
It concludes that it is not possible to draw up a typical profile of the "British terrorist" as most are "demographically unremarkable" and simply reflect the communities in which they live.
The "restricted" MI5 report takes apart many of the common stereotypes about those involved in British terrorism.
They are mostly British nationals, not illegal immigrants and, far from being Islamist fundamentalists, most are religious novices. Nor, the analysis says, are they "mad and bad". Those over 30 are just as likely to have a wife and children as to be loners with no ties, the research shows.
The security service also plays down the importance of radical extremist clerics, saying their influence in radicalising British terrorists has moved into the background in recent years.
The research, carried out by MI5's behavioural science unit, is based on in-depth case studies on "several hundred individuals known to be involved in, or closely associated with, violent extremist activity" ranging from fundraising to planning suicide bombings in Britain.
Meantime in Afghanistan this morning Gordon Brown, still shamefully the Prime Minister of Britain, stated apparently the opposite according to The Press Association, here:(he)...................................flew into Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand.
He told the troops from 16 Air Assault Brigade that they were in the front line against the Taliban and preventing terrorism coming to the streets of Britain.
He said: "You know that you are on the front line in the fight against the Taliban. You know that by what you are doing here you prevent terrorism coming to the streets of Britain.
He must have seen the MI5 report, he has been on holiday for weeks with plenty of time for reading such critical material, so why fly out to deliberately lie to the nation's troops. How can he justify his miserable existence?Labels: UK Terrorism
Labels: Fannie Mae, Financial crisis
Labels: Bernard Kouchner
Labels: EU Lisbon Treaty, G8
Labels: Strasbourg Parliament
Labels: Threads
What we are about to see is a race to the bottom by the world's major currencies as each tries to devalue against others in a beggar-thy-neighbour policy to shore up exports, or indeed simply because they have to cut rates frantically to stave off the consequences of debt-deleveraging and the risk of an outright Slump.
When that happens - if it is not already happening - it will become clear that the both pillars of the global monetary system are unstable, infested with the dry rot of excess debt......
Europe's turn will come next. We will discover that Europe cannot conduct such rescues. There is no lender of last resort in the system. The ECB is prohibited by the Maastricht Treaty from carrying out direct bail-outs. There is no EU treasury. So the answer will be drift and paralysis. When other world leaders take on the increasingly obvious fact that the EU's leaders are solely concerned with power plays within the grouping, shuffling as much cash as possible back to their own party political organisations and clients and maximising their future pensions, perks and positions within the EU organisation - the sooner this dangerous bunch of chancers and no- hopers can be removed from any influence over world events -and the safer and more financially secure we might all become!Labels: The Euro
The Georgian crisis is "a big game-changer," says Tomas Valasek, an analyst at the Centre for European Reform, a London think tank. "EU foreign policy has worked on the basis that if we hold out the prospect of membership, the world around the EU will eventually change in the EU's image. That vision is under threat."
The West's response to the war exposes its division into three camps on how to handle Russia, says Markus Kaim, head of security policy research at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. The U.S. sees Russia as a strategic rival, Western Europe sees it as a strategic partner and Eastern Europe sees it as a threat, he says.
Labels: Georgia
Labels: Lisbon Treaty
The summer recess slows down the regular rhythm of the EU institutions’ activities and the production of press material. Until the end of August, the “Top EU News” section of this site will therefore not be updated daily, but whenever there is relevant news to report. The audiovisual material and the press releases available below will be updated regularly as usual.
Labels: Eurocrats
BBC News |
Labels: Credit crunch
Labels: Bretton Woods, US Dollar
Labels: Big Brother, Europol police immunity
Labels: Edward Heath, vital national interests
Labels: Prum Treaty
Labels: Lisbon Treaty, President Klaus
Labels: EU Lisbon Treaty
Labels: Labour Party
Polling Data
Do you support or oppose holding a new referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?
Support | 24% |
Oppose | 71% |
Not sure | 5% |
Source: Red C Methodology: Interviews with 1,006 Irish adults, conducted from Jul. 21 to Jul. 23, 2008. Margin of error is 3 per cent.
Labels: Irish Referendum, Lisbon Treaty