Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Treasures from the threads - Number Nineteen

To the Leading Article on the economy in this morning's Daily Telegraph, linked here: Inflation is not at 4.4% that is a myth due to the fact that the government figures are heavily manipulated in a downward direction by omitting high inflation items from the calculation. The real inflation figure I would guess is nearer 15% now and rising and will not come down in the immediate future. Most of the inflation has not worked its way through the system yet, it can take up to a year after oil hikes before the results manifest themselves with prices at the factory gate, interest rates need to rise to strengthen the pound and dampen the effect of imported inflation. For years the UK has lived off the backs of others making very little just borrowing lots and shifting money around, well now its crunch time and the free lunch you have had for the last 6 years has to be paid for. You cannot feed yourselves 80% of all food is imported, you cannot earn a living in the world as manufacturing is only 15% of GDP, you cannot provide your own energy most is now imported, you cannot manufacture the everyday goods you need because you have paid yourselves too much for too little for too long and cocooned yourselves in a web of welfare benefits that you cannot afford. The UK is bankrupt, overtaxed and over regulated stifling investment and new business startups and accelerating business failures resulting in rising unemployment and more welfare dependence and a spiraling out of control deficit. Your housing market is in meltdown and asset values are at least 30% overvalued and falling like a stone and the government has depressed it further by hinting at a stamp duty holiday. Your education system is churning out semi-literate, barely numerate, robotic ignoramuses who barely know the difference between their arse and their elbow, and who are as much use to industry as a paper umbrella in a rainstorm. A few words of advice to Gordon the gormless CUT STATE SPENDING NOW its more cost effective to pay them benefits than employ them with their pension and other costs. The words " you are all doomed " come to mind right now. Posted by mike williams in Bangkok on August 13, 2008 3:59 AM



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