Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Downing Street admits months of LIES

The Sun newspaper carries the news that Downing Street has now admitted the EU Reform Treaty is the same as the former Constitutional Treaty, read their report from here. This brands Gordon Brown, his Foreugn Secretary David Miliband and the former PM Tony Blair and their entire cabinets as blatant and unscrupulous liars in the cause of selling out their county's democracy. The volte face only came about as the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee had demanded Miliband give written evidence and attend before the Committee ahead of the EU meeting justifying the Government's unprovable assertion that the two treaties were different. The concluding paragraph to the Uncorrected minutes of the European Scrutiny Committees meeting of 2nd October, linked here, was as follows and can clearly now been seen to have worked wonders: Chairman: I think we have heard these things and they are all on the record. Can I just thank you again, Minister, and Shan Morgan and Mike Thomas. Our report will be in the public domain, we understand, by the 10th of the month and hopefully the points that we have put to the Government, and there are many, many points in there to be answered by the Government, will be answered before the 16th in some written form. If not, we would have to go through every one of them with the Foreign Secretary when he has agreed to come and see us on the 16th. There are many points to clarify before people can be happy in this Committee that our concerns have been answered by the Government in the final IGC negotiations. Thank you very much for your time. I hope to be able to access the report of the Committee during today. Meantime the Government's new tactic to avoid fulfilling their election commitment to a referendum will be that their so-called red lines make the Treaty somehow different for the UK, although this assertion has already been rejected by the European Scrutiny Committee. The enduring fact from events so far is that we are presently governed by the filth of humanity.


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