Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Nick Clegg - Happy to leave Britain in Limbo

The Mail has a review this morning of a book by Lord Adonis on Nick Clegg's behaviour and attitude during the negotiations of the Coalition Agreement, the result of which will form the basis of yet another Queen's Speech in Parliament today; It is linked from here. The first sentence is as follows;

Nick Clegg wanted the negotiations which set up the Coalition to last for ‘weeks’, a book reveals.

In the clear weakness in character and temprement of David Cameron, the Prime Minister himself, lie a myriad of reasons why this Coalition should be brought to an early end by the ever larger body of disgruntled Tory MPs.

In the detail of this book there seems to lie ample cause why the likes of a Nick Clegg type, EU-sullied and fanatical LibDem character, should never again be allowed within reach of the reins of power!

The pointlessness of this coalition will be fully revealed today for any who witness or read the Gracious Speech by the Queen in the House of lords!

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