Sunday, April 21, 2013

Europe slides into Degeneracy

Europe is falling apart this weekend. It is not reported in your Sunday newspapers or on your TV. The London Marathon will be run and most people will spend a typical peaceful Sunday in blind ignorance of what is afoot.

Unlike in 1914 and 1939 the British people will not this time be called upon to physically fight the seeping evil that is steadily engulfing us, for the clear reason that the leadership of our country via the three main political parties are themselves fully involved and complicit in what is underway.

Read my tweets from my twitter timeline so far made today, which I will continue to follow up. Read also Beppe Grillo's call for mass citizen protest in this article from American Thinker linked here, and Athens being for sale from The Slog by John Ward here.

"Today we will have a democracy or die as a country."
Beppe Grillo, real winner of the last Italian General Election
Last evening on Twitter!

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