Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Olympian Oligarchy Now Shamed by Shuttlecock Sham.

Here is the article that beautifully encompasses, in a few neat paragraphs, all that the London Olympics has come to represent.

Any who have visited the home city of the modern Olympics, Lausanne in Switzerland, delightfully set in the calm tranquility of an Alpine setting, from which the splendour of Mont Blanc  can often be seen across Lac Leman, must quickly appreciate how far removed and out of touch with reality are the pampered and apparently easily corruptible elite who administer the movement which controls the obscene commercialised scam the modern Olympics have become, as typified in the games that Tony Blair contrived to impose upon the British nation, presumably as usual, in sole pursuit of his own self-glorification.

A collage of snaps of the damage the games are causing to normal London businesses may be seen in the Mail this morning, linked here.

An article describing the events on the badmington courts yesterday is again linked here. No doubt there will be similar scenes and disputes to follow before London is permitted to return to its normal life, poorer by an amount now estimated at £12 billion for the games themselve, plus the costs of lost productivity and business revenue  elsewhere.



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