Sunday, April 01, 2012

Ministers actions over EU payments could open them to criminal prosecution.

The Sunday Telegraph gives much prominence to a story this morning, on the front page of its electronic edition, to a report from a parliamentary committee that is about to start properly uncovering the possibly criminal conspiracy that has been supporting the EU Common Currency, the Euro, with huge transfers of UK taxpayers funds both through the EU Budget intended for other purposes, the EFSM and via the International Montetary Fund. The circumstances surrounding the handing of the almost complete governance of the country to foreigners and so by-passing Britain's national parliament, is also considered certain to form a part of the probe according the those  who have been carefully studying these matters for a considerable period.

Funding of the political parties, by whom these politicians are sustained in positions from which they have allowed these corrupt practises to develop, through the sham European Parliament,  is believed to form another part of the extensive investigation. This enquiry cannot but inevitably result in a complete re-appraisal of Britain's continued funding for the  supposed trading block which has become a breeding ground for the type of corrupt trade practices against countries in the developing world, for which Europe regrettably was also notorious during its colonial period.



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