Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Athen's Olympics contributed to the Greek Financial Collapse

In an ominous warning for London on the eve of the 2012 London Olympics year, already likely to see the collapse of the Euro common currency and widespread recession and depression across the world, a report in the Greek press today sounds an ominous warning.

The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens did aggravate the Greek debt to an extent, the head of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, said in an exclusive interview with Kathimerini.
“You can fairly say that the 2004 Games played their part. If you look at the external debt of Greece, there could be up to 2 to 3 percent of that which could be attributed to the Games. It could have been staged at a much lower cost, as there were delays that rendered double shifts necessary, and having people work at night does cost more,” said Rogge.

Most thinking people foresaw what was would occur in Greece after the Olympics, the same situation exsists in Britain today, yet the Coalition Government remains similarly blind to the reality of impending impoverishment.



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