Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Without free movement EU's Citizens get Zero for the loss of all their other freedoms and democracy.

France and Italy are proposing changes to the Treaty which provides the right of free movement to the de-democratised citizens of the EU. This right of free movement (never the right of residence) is regularly cited as one of the main (if not sole) benefit many consider to flow from the increasing nightmare the EU has become. Read a EurActiv report from here.

Faced with the unrest around the EU's borders France and Italy seek to ram through changes that on the surface appear to be likely to infringe upon the last plus point of the EU. This blog sees the logic of the Franco-Italian standpoint, it has never seen any logic, nor even justification, for the abomination the EU as now constructed seemed always bound to become!



Blogger Robert said...

Wait until they refuse to take Greek, Irish or Portuguese Euros in the other Eurozone countries.

8:50 AM  

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