Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Master Maggot Martin, a Shameful Man in charge of a Den of Thieves

I will put the video of Speaker Martin's performance in the House of Commons yesterday on this blog when and if I can find it, meantime this comment gives the flavour. See the video of the statement, criticism of which later sparked the outburst from here. The BBC which controls output from the debased Parliament, in typical totalitarian state controlled media fashion appears to be suppressing video of the actual exchanges at present!! The latest scams from Tory (so-called) Grandees in the Daily Telegraph are linked here. Yet still we see no sackings, no whips withdrawn, no moves to de-select the worst of the scum now fully revealed! Half or non-apologies from Brown and Cameron will not work. Let's start with Tony Blair and his re-mortgaging of his North East Constituency home for the purchase of a West End Mansion and his role with Gordon Brown in the shameless ramping up of the UK Property Bubble against which background this was all undertaken, why not get Brown into Bow Street as well to answer why he needed a Westminster flat subsidised by taxpayers while the boom continued unabated and he lived in his Grace and Favour Downing Street accommodation!

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