Saturday, May 02, 2009

Libertas Rome Convention

The best report on the first Libertas convention I have found is in the Irish Times, linked here. A brief quote: Lest anyone had any doubt that they are unclear about what they want, the opening speaker, French MEP Philippe De Villiers, quickly set the no-nonsense tone. Yet there is a problem here for the party founded by the opening speaker to which I had considered giving my support in June and that is the policy just announced by Libertas to adopt a push for an elected EU President, which to me would be a major step in the creation of a pan-European totalitarian Superstate. I will need to consider this in conjunction with the proposed 25 page Constitution which Libertas plans in place of the Lisbon Treaty, but on first look these proposals seem to fly in the face of all the founding principals of Philippe de Villiers' MPF, "le Mouvemente pour la France", which earlier existed for the promotion of sovereign states! My assumption that Libertas appeared as pro-EU to avoid post-electoral challenges from the federalists clearly now needs some re-consideration. I will expect an entirely convincing explanation from the MPF before casting my vote in that direction, abstention now appears the best course. Voters in the UK will not face this dilemma, although picking among the many alternatives supporting national independence to deliver a strong message to the incumbent parties will pose a different challenge. At present a protest vote looks in danger of being too widely diffused!



Blogger Libertas Insider said...

Hi Martin,
I think that it is worth clarifying the point slightly. Libertas is against the idea of a European superstate. The problem is that we have an unelected President of the Commission taking major decisions *at the moment*, and as part of our promise to democratise the system, the President also has to be elected.

Libertas isn't creating the post of President, it's just trying to offer a better system that can be practically implemented without trying to rebuild the entire structure from the ground up... although that's something I would like to see us tackle in the future.

10:35 AM  

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