Monday, April 27, 2009

Shame on Britain's Conservative Party

The Leader of the Conservative Party made a shameful speech to his party yesterday afternoon. On the afternoon of the morning in which the Sunday Times published an article reporting the EU Commission as stating that "Europe’s fishing industry is on the brink of suicide" and suggested returning much of its powers to the nation states, i.e., - mainly Britain (for the EU common resource of fish was once Britain's fish, sold out by a parliamentary lie made by Conservative Geoffrey Rippon with Conservative traitor PM Edward Heath sitting at his side for which no apology has ever been given to the British people by the Conservative Party) this vapid self-marketer made not one single reference to the sterling gobbling EU. On the Sunday of the week in which the Wednesday before the most dishonest budget ever contemplated was delivered to a Parliament which had presided over the biggest bust in British history, Cameron summoned up all the economic criticism of one whose favourite daily yoghurt had been newly taxed at a rate just over that of inflation. In the year in which the world economy is in tatters but Britain stands in a worse position than any other developed nation because of the obscene and deceitful policies of the man now Prime Minister, and which was billed as going to display some fire by Tory Party no-marks, all we got was the kind of pansificated petulance of a sixth form schoolgirl blaming others for the loss of her favourite hockey stick. Flanked as Cameron was by the thoroughly useless Shadow Cabinet, the elderly audience must have left Cheltenham in despair, with just one small glimmer of hope when Dan Hannan said in a minute what almost an hours worth of waffle from Cameron could never convey because Cameron simply has not got it AND does not get it AND it is now perfectly clear NEVER WILL GET IT - Britain's people and economy have been jointly destroyed by this Government and the Conservative Party's non-opposition. See Dan Hannan's one minute video from here.

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