Saturday, November 08, 2008

Strong winds in Brown's sails!

As a former regular transatlantic yachtsman I can savour the analogy in the Leading Article of the Independent this morning, "this week certainly puts some strong wind into the Prime Minister's sails". Strong winds for sailing survivors should prompt the first thought to be "reef" or as some say "shorten sail". No sign of that from demented Brown and his dimwit team of ministers. Pressure on the banks to cut rates blithely ignores the coming hurricanes, read the detail from a Telegraph report from here. With announcements from Port Talbot of closing blast furnaces to threatened bankruptcies of General Motors and Ford in the USA the dark green murk of an approaching Category 5 hurricane should not be ignored. A place of shelter should be sought by all, known to yachtsmen as a 'hurricane hole' . None in power in the UK have spotted the dangers, they have too long been sheltered by the luxuries of the public purse that has now lost its financing, they are rightly doomed.

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