Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Osborne must go - then Cameron

The latest twist on the Osborne foreign donation scandal is that a respected third party has been named as witness to a donation solicitation involving Leyland Daf as a front for a non-permissible donor. Read here. No criminality occurred apparently but the question mark over Osborne's judgement will remain for decades. N. Rothschild's revenge for a clear betrayal of trust is complete. Osborne must go because there is not one single solitary redeeming factor during his tenure as Shadow Chancellor which makes his retention worthwhile. One factor only would seem to merit his retention worthwhile - that being his closeness to Vapid Cameron the Party Leader - given this blog's longstanding assertion that this Leader is absolutely worthless and unelectable (let alone in the midst of a vicious economic slump) Osborne's departure will also be of longer term benefit to the country in providing a proper alternative to New Labour.

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