Thursday, July 17, 2008

Treasures from the threads - Number Eighteen

A column in the Telegraph by Iain Martin, linked here, brought this response: A man was selected to replace a high level manager. His predecessor gave him three envelopes labeled "1", "2", and "3". His predecessor told him, "When you find yourself in dire straits, and only in really dire straits, open an envelope its numerical order." Time passed, and the man found himself in dire straits. He opened the first envelope. Inside the note said, "Blame your predecessor". So he did. After a while, the man found himself once again in dire straits. He opened the second envelope. The note said, "Reorganize". The man did so, and all was smooth, for a good bit. Then things got really dire again. The man opened the third envelope, and inside were the instructions: "Prepare three envelopes." NuLabor blamed everything that went wrong on Margaret Thatcher. It worked for a while. NuLabor reorganized . . . again and again and again. NuLabor is still reorganizing. This ploy no longer works. It is now time for NuLabor to prepare 3 envelopes. You Brits have significant deficit spending, and your EU masters have said that your government can't borrow anymore. This should be most interesting. Posted by LarryOldtimer on July 17, 2008 2:13 AM



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