Thursday, May 08, 2008

Victory in Europe Day

Today is a holiday in many parts of Europe, a holiday to celebrate the defeat of the German Nazis and supposedly the end of fascism in most of Europe.

This time next year if the EU Constitution has been enforced due to the LIES, DECEIT and LOW MANOEUVRES of Europe's supposed democratic leaders such a celebration will indeed be a hollow farce. Totalitarianism is the clear goal of the presently planned European Union, whether it be fascist based or communist based is immaterial.

Norman DAVIES in his book "Europe a History" describes in the Chapter titled "Europe the eclipse" the"anti-Western, anti-Liberal and anti-democratic monster of totalitarianism" that arose after the Great War in spite of the victory of the democracies! From some of the essentials for totalitarianism he lists, I have chosen to quote the following as presently particularly relevant:

"Utopian goals. All totalitarians cherished the vision of a New Man who was to create a New Order cleansed of all present impurities. The nature of the vision varied. It could be the final, classless stage of pure communism as preached by the Marxist-Leninists: the racist, Jew-free Aryan paradise of the Nazis: or the pseudo-historical Roman Empire in Italy . The building of the New Order was a task which justified all the sacrifices and brutalities of the present." (In the EU's case it is the sacrifice of our parliamentary democracies that is seen as incidental to the ambitions of our self-serving political parties). (Read the concise 'The Dream of Rome' by Boris Johnson the new Mayor of London).

"The dualist party state. Once in power, the totalitarian power created organs within its own apparatus to duplicate and to oversee all other existing institutions........" (Exactly the situation being created in Brussels)

Gangsterism. ......
Many observers have noted the strong similarity between the conduct of totalitarian elites and that of professional criminal confraternities. Gangsters gain a parasitical hold over a community by 'protecting' it from the violence which they themselves generate...."

"Bureaucracy. All totalitarian regimes required a vast army of bureaucrats to staff the bloated and duplicated organs of the party-state. This new bureaucracy offered rapid advancement to droves of opportunistic individuals of any social origin. Entirely dependent upon the party, it arguably formed the only social constituency whose interests the regime had to consider. At the same time, it included a number of competing 'power centres' whose hidden rivalries gave rise to the only form of genuine political life in existence."

"Collectivism. Totalitarian regimes laid stress on all sorts of activity which strengthen collective bonds and weaken family and individual identity....."

"Moral nihilism. All totalitarians shared the view that their goals justified their means. 'Moral nihilism' wrote one British observer, " is not only the essential feature of National Socialism, but also the central feature between it and Bolshevism' (Hugh Seton-Watson in The Imperialist Revolutionaries) "

So enjoy Victory in Europe Day, it will be your last opportunity if the 500 or more million European citizens continue their sleepwalk and allow their leaders to ram through the Lisbon Treaty!

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