Saturday, May 03, 2008

Irish Independent spots Lisbon's Tax Catch 22!

The well argued and indisputable analysis of the EU Reform Treaty's means of allowing tax harmonisation is spotted in the Dublin press, read here, the conclusion of which is as follows: If we do vote Yes, however, we bring unknown penalties down on our heads because none of those proclaiming the wonderful advantages of the Lisbon Treaty are being truthful about the constitutional nature of power. Indeed, they are being frugal in their recognition that this is a constitution in the full sense of that term. Nothing as dire as the destruction of our carefully created, carefully nurtured industrial investment, on which so many Irish men and women depend for their livelihoods, could possible result from voting No. We would simply preserve the status quo and the rest of Europe would have to live with it. Note this telling paragraph from the body of the article which is the key to finally killing off this dreadful deception in some part of some parliament in Europe: "What is seriously wrong about what has been done is that we have been lied to, not for the first time, about the entirely benign structure of laws that will come into force if we vote Yes. They are not all benign and the lying is disgraceful."

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