Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Treasures from the Threads - Number Ten

The populus poll report in The Times which records the disastrous fall of Brown also highlights the lamentable performance of Cameron and the Tories, read the full report from here. It brought forth this heartfelt and so true comment:

I am one of the SMALL minority, 300,000 of us apparently, woman aged 60-65, who are of so little value to society that our small earnings are to suffer a tax increase so that middle income earners can have a tax cut. I earn WITH MY PENSION less than £10,000 a year. I can JUST make ends meet. I did hear this change announced last year BUT presumed that personal allowances would be increased to cover the change. It is a national disgrace that any government, let alone a socialist one, will take money from the poorest people in society to benefit the middle earners. I am so furious today, as a lifelong socialist I feel utterly betrayed and totally insulted. All of my life I have seen over and over how the high earners and self-employed dodge taxes, tax avoidance it's called, whilst we suckers on PAYE are taxed penny for penny. This is a totally sick society, and this is the sickest action of any chancellor / PM in my lifetime. Gordon Brown you should be ashamed of yourself you're sick

Loraine B., Tankerton,, Kent


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