Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Scottish Referendum

A good piece this morning on Westminster's treason (my description) in the Sunday Herald, linked here, which concludes as follows: While Brown continues to show his distrust of the electorate and has broken the promise of a referendum, it is vital a vote is held in Scotland. We are dealing with something that goes wider than Europe - it's an issue of trust in politics, and ensuring the voice of the Scottish people is heard in London and Brussels. Should they vote no, this would be a powerful weapon, and would put enormous pressure on the UK government and Brussels for reforms in key areas such as fisheries. A referendum would also serve as a catalyst for a long-overdue debate about our membership of the European Union, re-engaging a cynical public in the political process and serving to restore a much needed measure of faith in politics. Alex Orr is a board member of the European Movement and referendum campaigner



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