Monday, December 03, 2007

Coup d'Etat in Belgium

A report is in The Brussels Journal, linked here. The EU has already brought low many democracies and any semblance of clean governance but this seems to be the first of its hated nation states to have been thus brought to such a pass. The seizure of special powers is in my view essential for the tyrannical EU to ensure the final nail in democracy's coffin may properly be hammered home in Lisbon in ten days time. The lack of a proper Belgium government was one of the last remaining hopes that the dreadful 'Constitutional' Treaty might remain unsigned. Wikipedia states 'Article 88 of the Belgian Constitution provides that "the King's person is inviolable, his ministers are responsible". This means that the King cannot be prosecuted, arrested or convicted of crimes, that he cannot be summoned to appear before a civil court and that he is not accountable to the Federal Parliament.' Britain's Conservative Party remain silent on this Treaty.


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