Thursday, November 29, 2007

Inquiries must begin at Number 10

The registration details for the Labour Party on the web site of the Electoral Commission, linked here, show the only registered official above Graham Watt (still registered as Treasurer as of this morning are as follws: Party officers: Leader: The Rt Hon Gordon Brown Nominating Officer: Roy Kennedy Treasurer: Mr Peter Watt The function of the Nomination Officer is only relevant for registration of candidates therefore any enquiries to be made by the Electoral Commission, the CPS or the police have to be directed at the next relevant senior official one Gordon Brown at Number 10 Downing Street. Graham Watt having resigned admitting criminal guilt over the contributions claiming ignorance as an excuse is unlikely to be able to explain why an ignorant "Treasurer" had been appointed by the Party and been allowed to continue in post. One question for the Commission is why the Labour Party is presently allowed to function as the country's Governing Party in breech of the Law with no official Treasurer?????


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