Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Treasures from the threads - No 3 Is Cameron Conservative?

The Telegraph's "Speakers Corner" , linked here, today discusses the British Conservative Party where the widespread disgust is a gratifying wonder to behold. I have selected this comment which puts its finger on a deeper problem than just that of the party's leader, the simpleton, old-Etonian, David Cameron :- Decade after decade and government after government goes by, and the same basic policies do the same basic damage. 1. An egalitarian rather than meritocratic education system, which naturally produces dross. This hands on mediocrity to the next generation, and so on. 2. An egalitarian, redistributive tax regime which dehumanises people, taking away their opportunity to exercise decisions according to their own principles and ideals. Want to look after your aged parents? Well you can't, because we've taken the money in tax to do it ourselves. Want to send your child to America for a decent university education? Well you can't, because we've taken the money to finance our own mediocre education system. Want to work hard and improve yourself? Well you can't, because we tax you so much you'll hardly benefit. Want to build up unencumbered income-producing assets? Well you can't, because we'll tax savings so that you don't even keep pace with inflation. 3. The criminal justice system looks after the criminal. Insultingly slight penalties and contempt for the victim continue to fail those with decent impulses and good will. 4. The whole system is dynamic. It actually changes the nature of the British person, who is now much more likely to be fat, vulgar and feckless. Make war on the better features of humanity, decency and courage, and you eventually destroy them. Posted by Mike Evans on March 13, 2007 6:56 AM


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