Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monti & Draghi propose lumping unused EFSF funds with ESM

The two Italians, whose country of birth faces a debt mountain of indescribable proportions and a system of economic governance akin to some of the worst economies of the third world, have this afternoon come up with a new cracking idea to get their hands on outside cash, according to the Telegraph, linked here. A quote:

Doubling the European Stability Mechanism's (ESM) firepower would reassure markets while driving down borrowing costs for the debt-wracked countries of the eurozone, Mr Monti is said to have argued.

Mr Monti had won backing for the proposal from European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, who proposed using unused money from the EFSF to boost the size of the new fund to about €750bn, according to reports in German weekly Der Spiegel, which cited unnamed sources.

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