"We are not an island" - EU Commissoner & VP Reding
Labels: Reding
A continuing chronicle of how democracy is being destroyed across the entire European Union.
This blog is henceforth exploring various means whereby democracy may now be restored within or to the EU's formerly independent nation states now that economic chaos looms following the euro currency's apparently deliberate self-destruction, as long predicted on this blog? (Changed 23/11/10)
Labels: Reding
Er - we British DO live on an island. We are islanders. That fact has been the saving of us a few times in the past several centuries. As a side-effect of that, it has also been the saving of the rest of Europe a time or three.
They may come to regret destroying us as an independent nation if they need us again. Are they certain there will never be another Hitler, Napoleon or Philip V?
No man is an island, Sir Henry, but islanders when acting as one in their island's interest can defeat continents.
It is a basic premise of this blog that our politicians, by accepting the ideas of Continental Politics, that your land locked neighbours are a constant fact of life, have destroyed all the benefits which islanders historically enjoyed.
The Channel Tunnel and Scottish Independence serve to re-inforce the EU required mind-set!
Brussels, 16 June 2011
Your Excellency Mr. Van Rompuy,
Dear Erika,
Dear Danuta,
Dear Meglena,
Ladies and gentlemen,
AND after much of the usual EU garbage, later continues as follows:
Europe is the solution, not the problem. This is the message and the raison d’être of the European Semester. I hear everywhere calls for an economic government. Well, we have set it up. Because we are interdependent also our national economic and financial decisions must be interdependent. After all we are not islands!
That is why the European Semester foresees common economic priorities, a prior monitoring of all national budget proposals. Can you imagine if a few years ago we would have asked to control national policy measures and their financing structures? It would have been a unanimous “never, never, ever”! Today, we do it. It is this European Commission that put this economic governance in place. It is this European Commission which assesses it and monitors the commitments made in terms of sound budgets, structural reforms and growth-enhancing measures.
Simply put, we are putting Europe’s economic house in order.
This should therefore not be the time for self-flagellation or negativism. It should be the time for strong determination and self-confidence. If we are all responsible – responsible in our words, responsible in our action – Europe has a good chance to get out of the crisis stronger than it was before.
Read it all if you did not enjoy your last meal and desire to get rid of it in a hurry from: