Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are Hague's multiple misjudgements and negligence now criminal?

Wikipedia defines criminal negligence as:

careless, inattentive, neglectful, willfully blind, or in the case of gross negligence what would have been reckless in any other defendant

William Hague MP,

First Secretary  of State and Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs,

 Has now met such criteria.

Daily Telegraph report on Britain's failures in evacuating its citizensfrom Libya is linked here.

Update 10:00 am. Here is the link to Today on Radio Four, first with an oil worker, rescued from Tripoli airport, where shots were fired over the heads of the crowds,in the plane of the President of Poland which fortuitously had both 50 empty seats and clearly a competent and caring government and next with the pompous, glib and incompetent William Hague, linked here.



Blogger Anoneumouse said...

Don't see much rescuing of EU Citizens by the European Union do you?

10:24 AM  

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