Thursday, May 07, 2009

President Klaus will not sign Lisbon Treaty at present

President Klaus will not sign the Lisbon Treaty at present, according to this report, furthermore a fresh challenge to its constitutionality is planned in the Czech courts. Klaus is reported as saying, following the Czech Senates approval of the Treaty by just over the required two third majority: ".... he would not sign the treaty for now due to its rejection by Irish voters last year and an expected court challenge in the Czech Republic. "The Lisbon Treaty is dead for this moment. It is dead because it was rejected in a referendum in one member state. Therefore, a decision on ratification of this treaty is not on the agenda at this point," Klaus told reporters." As I mentioned on this blog yesterday, following the logic of President Klaus, he could withhold his signature until after a British General election given the opposition's promise of a referendum in Britain in the event of continuing non-ratification of the Treaty.

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