Friday, May 22, 2009

The corrupt conspiracy of the EU reaps its rewards amongst Britain's electors

Two stark facts from an opinion poll published in The Mail this morning: Seven out of ten people are so angered by Brussels rules that they want the Government to start breaking them.

And a huge majority - 60 per cent to 30 per cent - believe Britain should refuse to pay any fines imposed for their disobedience.

Read the full survey from this link. Ripe for revolt is the title for the article chosen by the newspaper, but no such revolt is necessary. There are anti-EU parties standing in the European Elections on 4th June which cover a huge range of diverse secondary views - get out and vote for them and then watch on as the treacherous MP Maggots in Westminster clamber to climb on board the anti-EU bandwagon which looks finally likely to become unstoppable!

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