Thursday, February 19, 2009

No Justice in Britain

The following quote is from the blog of Mary Ellen Synon, linked here, on the problem of the Lindsey Refinery strike on which topic I posted extensively because of the obvious injustice. It really is not long and is best read in full from this link but the conclusion is as follows:

I share Simpson's frustration, but I blush for his ignorance of just how much power Britain has surrendered to the European Court. Even the European Commission can't overturn an ECJ decision. Nobody can overturn an ECJ decision. Nobody can sack an ECJ judge. Nobody is allowed to know the secret deliberations of the judges. No one is allowed to know if a decision of the court was unanimous or split.

So to say, 'The solution to this issue is for the EU Commission to overturn the ECJ decisions' is fantasy stuff. It can't happen.

Odd that Simpson hasn't grasped that. He still seems to think he and his trade union members have all the ancient rights and privileges of Englishmen. Nope, wrong, gone.

(My emphasis of the final paragraph).



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