Tuesday, October 14, 2008

House prices back in focus!

A moment of reality returned yesterday evening to UK politics - No, not the justifiably huge defeat for the Government in the House of Lords with the rejection of the extended pre-trial detention period - I mean the moment when that common bimbo Yvette Cooper (Chief Secretary to the Treasury and mistress of Ed Balls, the moronic Schools Secretary) had her true aims for the nationalisation of banks exposed for all to see on Channel 4 News. Why? She was asked, would the government possibly want the nationalised banks to resume mortgage lending at the levels of 2006 and 2007? Answer came there none, but to all with any brains it is perfectly obvious. For these types of despicable filth who make up much of the Government and their back benches it is the accumulated wealth locked up in their tax payer funded homes and second houses that they are scared witless of losing. Hence the dream that if mortgage lending can be restored to previous levels, the previous dizzying and absurd valuations can be restored and the gains of their 11 years of mis-governance safely stashed away. Remind yourself of some of the background of this obnoxious couple here, here and here. How will the nationalised banks meet this requirement to resume such excessive lending, the very cause of the nation's present plight? Only by sucking in ill-informed first time buyers even more ignorant than Labour MPs, a task I feel sure Ed Balls is setting about with every diligence in his post of supposedly guiding the education of England's youth. This morning, however, banks have been nudged out of the headlines with the real state of the housing market getting even Britain's state-controlled media's attention. Read the summary of the Chartered Surveyor's report in Bloomberg here, read the plight of Estate Agents as reported in the Daily Telegraph here (AAAAAGH). Just in are the latest UK inflation figures at 5.2 per cent. A sum for Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper: House price falls of 13.8 with inflation at 5.2 equals a real price house drop of --.-?

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