Saturday, March 15, 2008

Treasures from the threads - Number Eight

Simon Heffer in his Telegraph column todays hits out at Ed Balls, linked here. The following contribution came from Anne Palmer at 0734: Maybe a word can be changed in Hansard but the deeds that are happening "Today in Parliament" and what will be written down in Hansard forever will cast a shadow that will stain the future of this Country, because it cannot all be altered. That famous verse of Cicero "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within" is spoken now more than it ever was in his 'own time'. Just add up Simon, the 'wages', vast expenses, second home perks so recently revealed, the cost of the extra layer of Regional Assemblies, Councils etc, then the EU Commissioners, ALL the MEP's, plus expenses, the overseas visits-you get the idea, the list is endless,and then ask yourself, just how much longer are the general public going to continue to pay the politicians here in the UK for a Job they no longer can do, or in the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty obviously they no longer want to do? We see "our Leaders" in The EU scraping the barrel having to cook up ways of raising yet more taxes from people though means of "saving the planet". It became obvious when "smoking was banned' in so many places that there would be a need to raise taxes in other ways. What could be better than saving the planet? Our newspapers and TV haven't shown the dreadful weather, the freezing temperatures in other parts of the world just across the Atlantic for one because it would not be helpful to their plans. This Government that has ignored the people, must make a decision and make it soon. Does IT want to Govern this Country? Does IT really think that the people will continue to accept ALL that THEY, our own MP's are doing, and NO, they are not doing it in the people's name, for they know without doubt, that the people do not want further integration into the Union. ALL this cannot be altered in Hansard. Hansard must record the treachery that is taking place in those magnificent buildings, because the people know for sure, that both sides in the argument re the Treaty of Lisbon cannot both be right, can they? We will remeber this Government all right Simon, but not as "Great Warriors", actually not as "Great" anything. Posted by Anne Palmer on March 15, 2008 7:34 AM

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