Friday, March 21, 2008

Constitutional crisis (continued).

Following along from my earlier posting this morning, regarding Martin Bell's ascribing the corruption of our MPs as having reached a level sufficient to cause a constitutional crisis; I would like to expand the concept to areas not explored by Mr Bell. I feel the true scale of the nation's difficulties were very well summarised by Mr Bob Lomas of the Magna Carta Society in an e-mail circulated during a private debate on the difficulties our country now faces following the vote in Parliament abandoning the concept of its own supremacy.. The section I feel most aptly summarises these concerns is as follows: "..the Queen and Parliament had absolutely no 'intent' of ever leaving the European Community, thirty five years of unlawful rule from Brussels has proved this, and the Queen and Parliament still have no 'intent' of returning this nation to its lawful state of sovereign independence. This shows without doubt that the Queen and Parliament had every 'intent' to destroy this nation by surrendering for all time to come the sovereign independence of this nation, and the Queen and Parliament have proceeded towards this goal under the pretence that Parliament has the power to end it all at its discretion, obviously believing that given time the people would come to accept the status quo, but at the same time gradually disarming the people and removing their civil and military defences, introducing draconian laws and a state police structure in preparation for the European totalitarian state control enforced by a European styled thuggish and above the law militia type police force. At this stage there is no point in discussing how things should be or ought to be, the subject for discussion must be how things actually are and what we can do about it. As for your claim that the EU has not achieved all that it intended is neither here nor there, as given time it will. As far as we are concerned the EUs intention to destroy nationhood has already made its mark in this country to an unacceptable degree. Look around you, the nation is in chaos, political corruption up to European standards, financial corruption, corruption in policing, a high level of crime in the community, apathy, despair, and above all a general sense of fear. The assertion that all is well because all we have to do is to proclaim our right to sovereign independence, is, under the prevailing circumstances hollow rhetoric indeed when there is absolutely no means of achieving it. We will be in no position to regain our sovereign independence and put our country back together until the people find a way of getting rid of the establishment which has for personal gain seen the corrupt EU to be in their interest. Finding our salvation is not impossible but we are nearing the time when it might be impossible without creating a national disaster. Twenty years ago I was saying that there was no political way forward simply because our problem is not one of politics but one of constitutional and common law. I would claim that my point has been proved. The keepers of the Constitution are the Monarch, the Judiciary and the Anglican Church. All three have not only failed this nation they have conspired to destroy its lawful structure. There is remedy, the nation is sick but there is a medicine, the big question being, is it a medicine the people are prepared to take?" While a visit to your local MP's surgery this holiday weekend to personally query their individual expense claims should be top of your list, there are also these greater issues to dwell upon.



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